All The Tools You Need To Effectively Stand For Your Marriage

In this Quick Start Guide:
- Best starting resources
- Encouraging real stories of reconciliation
- Toolkits for going further
- Where to go for additional help
- Abbreviation glossary
Best starting resources
If you are new, start with the Save My Marriage Course, a 12 module program designed for the one spouse wanting to save their marriage after a crisis. For those with a brand new membership, this will be the only course you have access to - by design. This is a great place to start in your journey to save your marriage. New courses will unlock after your first month.Â
We suggest that you watch one video a week, and complete the homework as you do so.Â
Like we say, “If anything works, this will.” That’s not just our opinion. It’s worked in the lives of thousands. We cannot guarantee you that if you enroll in this course that it will definitely lead to the reconciliation of your marriage. Only frauds and charlatans make those kinds of false promises. We won’t lie to you. But we can promise you that if you enroll and work through the materials, you can become the best you that you’ve ever been when it comes to relationships.
The Calm Toolkit is the first unlock if you have a new membership, and should be the next toolkit after Save My Marriage. This includes some wonderful lessons from Kimberly about how to achieve peace in all areas of your PIES. Don't rush, prioritize the SMM Course first. But when you feel ready to take on more, Calm is the next step.Â
Next is the SMART Contact Toolkit. This will help you to learn to stop pushing your spouse away from you.Â
 It's not enough just to listen to the course, but really take time to reflect on how you can implement these changes in your life.
Stories of reconciliation
Check out some of our Reconciliation Stories as inspiration for your journey. These are from people who started off like you, feeling hopeless about their marriage. They've used the principals we teach and turned their situation around, we hope you feel more hopeful for your situation after reading them.Â
Where to go for additional help
If you have questions or comments about your specific situation you have a few options:Â
1. Post in your Community Chat Circle. Our amazing community of members are there to support and strengthen you. We also have professional teams who can help you, if you tag them. To reach our Moderator Team (for guidance, threats of abuse or other harm, unhelpful responses or fighting) simply type @MH Mod for a list of team members. To reach our Peer Mentoring Team (for guidance, direction, accountability, etc.) type @MH Peer to see the list of Peers available to walk with you. You can also type @MH Coach to tag anyone on our coaching team, however they may be slow to answer since we keep them pretty busy!
 2. Join a Support Call or Live Show. There are multiple calls happening each week. For the Support Calls, try to have your question prepared in advanced. Ask your question first, then provide supporting details. The Coach may or may not answer your specific question, but they will answer as much as they can.Â
 3. Book a Personal 1:1 Coaching Call. Coaching is only available to members at this time. Each session is normally $199, but members receive discounted access at $135. We also have Group Coaching available. These are usually more readily available and are budget friendly at $50 per hour. Â
Here is a collation of the best podcast episodes for those new to MH. These are not member exclusive, so feel free to send any link to your friends.Â
What is SMART Contact in Marriage?
Should I Drag Out My Divorce To Save My Marriage?
How to Help Your Spouse Walk through Shame
Healing Can Happen But It Takes Work
How to Get My Spouse To Talk To Me
What to Do When My Spouse Hates Me?
How to Overcome Hate from My Spouse
I Don't Want a Divorce
Focus on Yourself to Fix Your Marriage (Amanda's Story)
When It is the Right Time to Divorce Your Spouse?
How to Overcome the Pain of Being Left
Here are a selection of our most popular videos on YouTube to motivate you in the stand for your marriage:Â
How to Attract Your Spouse Back to You
Save Your Marriage While Separated
How to Win Back Your Spouse
7 Ways to Save Your Marriage
How to Find Peace for A Marriage In Turmoil
What to Do When Your Spouse Files For Divorce?
How to Know If You are Compatible for Your Marriage?
How to Respond to A Spouse that Criticizes you?
How to Determine if your spouse is a Narcissist?
Positive Signs During a Separation
And here are our top articles on the subject of saving your marriage.Â
Signs Your Wife Doesn't Love You Anymore
Rebuilding Trust in a Relationship
Divorce Doesn't Mean Its Over
Is Marriage Worth It?
When the Love of Your Life Leaves You, Do This!
How to Get Your Spouse To Work on Your Marriage
How do I Keep The Course When It Feels Like There is No Hope?
Standing for Your Marriage Alone
Save Your Marriage While Separated
Stop Your Spouse From Leaving You
Abbreviation glossary
LO: Limerent Object
AP: Affair Partner
W/H: wife/husband
SMM: Save My Marriage
MH: Marriage Helper
OW/OM: Other Woman/Other Man
WS: Workshop
RS: Reluctant Spouse
SIL/BIL/MIL/FIL: sister/brother/mother/father in law
PIES: Physical Intellectual Emotional Spiritual
SA/PA: Sex Addiction / Porn Addiction or Sexual Affair / Physical Affair
EA: extramarital affair/emotional affair
SC: Smart Contact
NC: No Contact
DDay: Discovery Day
D: Divorce
D2: Daughter aged 2 ( you can change the number obvious)
S2: Son aged 2 ( you can change the number obvious)
CPI: Creating Positive Interactions
TLDR: Too Long, Don’t/Didn’t Read
STOP: Safeguards That Offer Protection (aka boundary)
CORE: Continuing Our Relationship Essentials (aka criteria)
SS: Standing Spouse